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Thank you for considering making a donation to Congregation B’nai Israel

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle” css=”.vc_custom_1709919827387{padding-top: 1rem !important;}”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”Paypal” shape=”round” color=”orange” align=”center” link=””][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_btn title=”Rakefet Online” shape=”round” color=”orange” align=”center” link=”″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]Tribute donations are gifts that are made in someone’s honor or memory, in appreciation of someone, or to commemorate a special occasion.

Your tribute will be listed in The Temple Chronicle and a notification letter may be sent to the person or family for whom you have made the donation.

Donations may be directed to any of the fund listed at the bottom of this page. You may donate by mail or by telephoning the Temple office at 501-225-9700.  If mailing, please make checks payable to “Congregation B’nai Israel.”

Congregation B’nai Israel
3700 N. Rodney Parham Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72212

Thank you for supporting our Congregation.

Donations made to Congregation B’nai Israel are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Congregation B’nai Israel – Named Funds


ENDOWMENT FUND ~ To expend any or all income (whether current or accumulated) on behalf of the Congregation as may be determined by the Board of Directors of the Fund.

JANET AND ARNOLD L. MAYERSOHN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FUND ~ To provide scholarships to members (including youth members) to attend seminars, conventions, institutes, and other programs that, in the judgement of the Board of Trustees, will advance the leadership skills of such members for the benefit of the Congregation.

DAVE GRUNDFEST JR. ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND ~ To be used for educational scholarships to Israel for deserving youth.

VOGEL FAMILY MEMORIAL CARING AND SHARING FUND ~ earnings to be used by the Caring and Sharing Committee of the Temple.

ROSA PFEIFER ISAACSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND ~ to be used for members of the Youth Group to defray the cost of attending regional and national Youth Group sanctioned events and conferences.

HALLIE COHEN MILLER ARCHIVE FUND ~ to be used for improvement and enhancement of the Temple Archives.

DR. WILMA DINER MEMORIAL FUND FOR JEWISH EDUCATION ~ supports educational programming for adults.

KIMBRELY CAROL JORDAN MEMORIAL FUND FOR JEWISH EDUCATION ~ To be used to support Professional Development opportunities for our Director of Education.

CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL CEMETERY FUND ~ to provide perpetual care for the Cemetery and to financially support the Cemetery.

BAUMAN FAMILY MUSIC FUND ~ to be used to provide support and enhance the music offerings and programs of the Congregation.

RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND ~ to be used for the purposes set out by the Board of the Congregation at the Rabbi’s discretion.

ALINE AND LOUIS SALINGER MEMORIAL LANDSCAPE FUND ~ to be used to assist in improving and maintaining Temple grounds.

HARVEY LUBER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND ~ to be used by the Confirmation Class to participate in L’Taken after fundraising effort have been exhausted.

SAM J. STORTHZ II RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DISCRETIONARY FUND ~ to be used to enhance Religious School programming.


MEMORIAL FUND BENEFITTING EDUCATION AND YOUTH ~ to be used to enhance the religious school experience and to assist in sending students in the school to camp.

EUGENE M. PFEIFER JR. AND FAY S. PFEIFER COMMUNITY OUTREACH FUND ~ The primary purpose of this Fund is to support programs of the Congregations’ Social Action Committee and the Religious School that benefit the broader Little Rock community,

RABBI EUGENE AND BOBBYE LEVY FUND FOR CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AND YOUTH ~ to provide financial aid to Congregation B’nai Israel Religious School students wanting to go to Jacobs Camp.

MEMORIAL PRAYER BOOK FUND ~ to be used to add to or replace those Prayer Books used by the Congregation at its Religious Services.

LOIS G. STERN LIBRARY FUND ~ to be used to add or replace books in the Temple Library or Children’s Library, as well as selected educational programs.

TEMPLE MEIR CHAYIM CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND ~ to be used for scholarships to URJ Jacobs Camp at the discretion of Congregation B’nai Israel’s Rabbi

LILAH AND PHILIP MULKEY FUND FOR SACRED MUSIC ~ to be used for sacred music programming including the High Holiday choir.

THE KNOFF FAMILY FUND ~ to be used for offsetting expenses related to worship and educational experiences for the congregation.

THE CHARLES NEWFELD FUND FOR INTERFAITH RELATIONS~ to be used as support for the Congregational Seder or other interdenominational programming.

THE SISTERHOOD LEGACY ENDOWMENT FUND (SLEF) ~ to be used as support for: the Temple’s PJ Library commitment, the Temple kitchen, and the Temple’s children and family endeavors.

SUSTAINING FUND ~ To be used for capital repairs or improvements to building, systems and property.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]