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[vc_row el_class=”about_top”][vc_column][vc_raw_html]JTNDbGFiZWwlM0UlM0NhJTIwaHJlZiUzRCUyMmh0dHAlM0ElMkYlMkZkZXYuYm5haS1pc3JhZWwudXMlMjIlM0VIT01FJTNDJTJGYSUzRSUyMCUzRSUzRSUyMEdFVCUyMElOVk9MVkVEJTIwJTNFJTIwTElGRUxPTkclMjBMRUFSTklORyUyMCUzRSUyMFJFTElHSU9VUyUyMFNDSE9PTCUyMCUzRSUyMEIlRTIlODAlOTlOQUklMjBNSVRaVkFIJTIwUFJBWUVSUyUzQyUyRmxhYmVsJTNF[/vc_raw_html][vc_column_text]To listen to Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation audio files listed below, click on the link.

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Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur

Friday Evening Service
p. 144 Chatzi Kaddish
p. 148 Ma’ariv Aravim
p. 151 Chatimah
p. 154 V’Ahavta
p. 161 Chatimah
p. 164, 166 T’fila Avot v’lmahot
p. 168 Gvurot
p. 171 Chatimah
p. 173 Chatimah
p. 175 Chatimah

Saturday Morning Service
p. 197 Chatima
p. 198 Nisim B’Chol Yom
p. 204 Laasok
p. 224 Chatzi Kaddish
p. 228 Yotzeir
p. 234 V’ahavtah
p. 242, 244 T’fila, Avot v’lmahot
p. 246_G’vurot
p. 253_Chatima
p. 225 Chatima
p. 257_Chatima
p. 363_HaKeil Et HaAm
p. 368_Blessing before the
reading of the Torah

p. 368_Blessing after the
reading of the Torah

p. 372 Blessing before the Haftarah and Blessing
after the Haftarah